Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'm back.

Back in school.

Already, I have hit the ground running with no time for rest. I was up at 5am yesterday...worked all day and am back at it today.

Saturday morning.

Would I rather be outside playing with my dogs, frolicking in the park, drinking coffee and reading the paper....absolutely....but, just for the record, I LOVE what I do....and, despite my protests, I love the adrenaline of working down to the wire, pushing myself further than I thought I could and meeting the challenges and exceeding my expectations. I have never thought of myself as a particularly competitive person. I did not play sports in high school or college. In fact, every sport I have enjoyed has been solitary: riding horses, running, playing tennis (singles, never doubles). Perhaps, it is just finding something that I am passionate about that has ignited a sense of competition and desire to be the best...who knows. I am just happy that I get to experience this level of passion and excitement in what I do. So many people hate their jobs. But I really think life is way to short to hate any part of your life...especially something that you spend 40+ hours/week doing.

Happy Saturday everyone!


minus five said...

would you kindly omit the word "frolicking" from your vocabulary?

Angie said...

I was EAGER to get up this morning and FROLIC with my dog! Happy Saturday, keep at it. It will all pay off.

aud said...

you can go over and frolic w my cat if you want to. why the heck are you up at 5am already? come visit me now.

brand 'em' said...

In all the companies I have worked for—some international giants and some small ones in their respective industries—about less than 5% of the employees really love what they do.

Good to hear about yer commitment and passion for the game.

Tania Rochelle said...

That picture is kinda Silence of the Lambs.

minus five said...

t: if you had to choose between her porn channel news anchor photo and her hannibal lecter photo, which would you pick? i'm torn.

Tania Rochelle said...

This is just another too-tough choice you've asked me to make today.

Mary Campbell said...

you bitches are bitches.