Wednesday, January 24, 2007

trout almondine.

Per Tania's *request* for karaoke, I have decided to debut my very first music video. Though the quality of the video is a bit sub-par, I really think it showcases the scope of my creative soul. I wrote the compelling lyrics to this song all by fact, like a mountain well, the words just sprung from me...and here, my fine viewers, you get to see the creative mind in action. This piece is an homage to Saturday. Saturday the 20th of January, 2007. It was a fine Saturday spent shopping at the outlet malls in lovely North Georgia and the highlight of the day, of course, being the trout almondine I made for dinner along with the lovely brussel sprouts cooked with Pink Lady apples. Alas, I do not want to ruin what is certain to be a profound musical experience for you all, so I will digress with the detailed account of the day and let the music speak for itself.


Anonymous said...

Just when I think your blog can't get any worse...

minus five said...
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Mary Campbell said...

awesome. glad you guys enjoyed it! I'll release my full acoustic album soon.

Anonymous said...

Would you consider being a guest on my show to demonstrate the brussel sprout recipe/technique?

Anonymous said...

Next time try substituting a little EVOO for the butter in the Trout Almondine recipe.


aud said...

dave and I sure enjoyed that . thanks mare. wow. that was pure entertainment. you should come do that in the ny subway.

minus five said...
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Anonymous said...

I dont truly know what you talking about right here. This cant be the only way to think about this can it? It appears like you understand a lot, so why not explore it more? Make it more accessible to everyone else who might not agree with you? Youd get a lot more individuals behind this should you just stopped making common statements.