Thursday, February 28, 2008

March 4th. BrightHouse Style.

As you may know, we celebrate a special holiday, March 4th. We don't take the day off, we take it on and March 4th on our dreams. This year, together with Campus MovieFest and Phyzix Concepts and Choreography, we created a short film. We hope it inspires you to share it, to make your dream a reality, and even to post your own video response on youtube of what you did on March 4th. Enjoy the film and the holiday.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I am notorious for reading about 10 books at a time. I am lucky to finish any of them within 6 months but so far this year I'm doing pretty well. I've read the first 3 books of "Tales of the City" which a co-worker told me I must read before I could consider myself TRULY gay. Who knew? Certainly not me...and how foolish could a homosexual feel being schooled by a heterosexual on how to be an authentic gay. Truth be told, I started reading them about 4 months ago...but they are a very fast read.

I just finished "Confederacy of Dunces." I would have to say it is probably the funniest book I have ever read. I LOVED it....completely loved it. Having lived in Baton Rouge and frequented New Orleans a lot during the years I was there, it made me think of a lot of really good memories and made me a little sad that the New Orleans I loved is not the same. I'm almost ready to read it again...except that it does make me laugh out loud which does not help lull to me into sleep at night.

For a good sleeper, try Molecules of Emotion...whoa, great topic but probably the most boring read I've ever encountered....I've been gnawing away on that book for over 2 years now and am STILL not finished.

So, what is anyone else reading that is interesting? Care to share?


This is a video from BrightHouse, where I'll see a cameo of me riding a scooter in here.
Pretty cool.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This is a short first film with a purpose...about Dreams...sort of a "work" project, sort of not.
I'd like to thank my wonderful girlfriend, Montana, our pets and the Beatles (for letting me use their song, "Flying" for this film.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


There must be something in this theme of "timing" these days...repetition is usually an indication that life is handing us a lesson.

A quote by Carl Jung.
"There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."

Monday, February 18, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows that I am, probably, the most movie-illiterate individual on the planet. Blame it on my undiagnosed ADD, but my ability sit and stay long enough to watch a movie has created a real information/culture deficit in the stockpile of otherwise worthless information that taken over the majority of my grey matter. That said, through the amazing convenience of NETFLIX, I have started to watch many more movies. True, I mostly watch documentaries....most recently, Ayn Rand:A Sense of LIfe (I give it 4 stars...watched it twice), C.S. Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia (I give it 1 star, it was really quite boring and didn't illuminate anything truly interesting about this amazing author and thinker), My Architect: A Son's Journey (I give it 4 is about Louis Kahn, a famous architect....very interesting), The Nazis: A Warning from History (definite 4 star interesting and offered a different perspective on one of the most profound tragedies of our recent history).

Last night we saw ONCE. For a movie with not MUCH of a story line, there is something most amazing and spectacular about this movie. Perhaps, it is the music....which is amazing....I just downloaded the soundtrack. I would say, more than likely, what makes this film so special is its authenticity and emotion. Maybe it is just that life is about timing. And, really, the older I get, the more I realize that everything comes down to timing. It is one of those things that makes life so amazing and confusing and mysterious. In hindsight, perhaps everyone of us can look to a situation, a relationship, an experience and say, IF ONLY the timing had been different...if only I had been older, younger, more mature, less mature, braver, less scared, if only things had been different...but they weren't. And that is life. I guess things don't always work out the way we want them to, they don't happen when we want them to, they come together and fall apart in moments that don't make sense. What I do get is that our timing, our need to have things the way we think we should have them is not always the way we are supposed to experience our lives. Maybe this is the "divine" plan that we are intended to live. I don't know...maybe that is just a way to have peace with the "bad" timing. Whatever it is, I am endlessly curious in trying to figure it out and I guess I'll be busy trying to figure it out for the rest of my life as I don't think there really is an answer or a reason or a theory that will satisfy my concerns.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't laugh.

Okay, so lately I have been suffering from incessant insomnia. I mean...up all night tossing and turning, twitching, jerking, not getting any rest. Needless to say, I am a bit crabby and borderline insane. Has it helped my creativity? No. So, for those of you who think insanity lends itself to creativity, I am here to tell you that it does not.

While surfing iTunes today to find some "relaxation" music/pod-casts/whatever, I came across this: a PurrCast. If you simply search (not that anyone other than a sleep-deprived lesbian would) "purrcast" on your iTunes, you will find it and WOW it is so relaxing. I don't recommend listening to it while at work the day after you have not slept the night before but I am going to give it a whirl if I wake up during the night tonight.

I'll let you all know how it goes.

Monday, February 11, 2008


I don't mean to be insensitive...really, I don't. I have such respect for anyone who struggles with mental illness...I have seen too many friends and loved ones suffer at the hands of depression, bi-polar disorder, eating disorders, name it. It can be debilitating. Your life can be literally ruined by something that doesn't cause you to bleed, lose your hair, or cause you to run a fever. Mental illness is misunderstood, underestimated and discounted in its destruction.
It is not, however, an AMERICAN TRAGEDY.
COME ON, Rolling Stone. This is not the Dalai is Britney Spears. She is a girl who suffered from arrested development which clearly developed into some SERIOUS mental health issues. Uh, shocker?! What would you expect? The ONLY reason we care is that she is a celebrity...but what a heinous over-statement.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super? Tuesday.

Well, unless we have a composer-candidate...looks Iike I am screwed for this's where I fell politically acoording to Political Compass




Saturday, February 02, 2008

Save My Rawhide!

This could very well be the Beagle, Red once senility sets in....or it could be me in a few years due to my declining mental health. God save us all.