Friday, December 15, 2006


Well, I just completed 6th quarter....


ONE (count em', o-n-e) quarter of *real classes* left. How time flies. Aud leaves for NYC for her 7th quarter and I will be without my design sidekick for the next 3 months. That sucks. I will be recruiting for a temporary sidekick for the next 3 internship, if you will...please let me know if you are interested. Duties include inhaling compressed air, listening to my philosophical rants about the meaning of life, love and design, making sure my type is kerned properly and leaving pics of my celebrity crushes on my door. It's really quite the opportunity, if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

you could probably get those transexual hookers that hang outside your place to come over and assist you with all kinds of things.

and not to worry about dear audrey. i will take her under my wing and teach her the fundamentals of life while she is in ny.

Anonymous said...

Why does Robin have camel toes? Is he one of those trans hookers?

Anonymous said...

Dang! He does have camel toe.

God help Audrey.

Mary Campbell said...

Wow, you guys are right...that is some serious camel toe. How is that physically possible?

Anonymous said...

Mary? Pshop CS2?

Anonymous said...

People have died from inhaling compressed air.