Why are donuts so damn good? I don't know the answer to this, but I do know that the Krispy Kreme store is located just blocks from where I live and, as I walk my dogs at the break of day, I can smell that delicious fried fat permeating every inch of the air around me. My favorited donut: the chocolate covered creme (not custard) filled. What is yours?
This blog is for Audrey who is constantly harassing me about not updating my blog on a DAILY basis...apparently, she thinks I have nothing to do but blog about donuts. :)
Thank you for the personal shout out but i really don't appreciate a blog about donuts. It would only work if it was done in your dora accent. Maybe you can do a blog on Doraville or the fact that I'm the best tennis player you know, or how over you are on mfb (Modern %*E($# Baby)... C'mon mary your putting me to sleep. Poke me in the f'in ribs!!! hehe just thought you needed a lil Hankesque for you today since our class was cancelled.
ok my favorite donut would have to be the plain jane glazed with whole milk to drink....
Chocolate with clear glaze.
Are you bringing these to class Tuesday???
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