Friday, December 28, 2007

for 2008.

I am working on compiling my list of "resolutions," but this is probably the most important.
I never want to be the person who gives up at a locked door...I always want to be the person who goes to the back or through a whatever it takes to find a way in.

Friday, December 21, 2007


it's official.
I am over christmas.
The stress of packing, buying christmas presents, anticipating the 8 hour drive through the bowels of Alabama and being home for 4 days is driving me to question if it is legal to drink and drive in Alabama and Mississippi. I think that is only in Louisiana, however.
Doesn't it seem like Christmas used to be so much more magical and so much less stressful? Maybe I'm just getting older. I'm sure I'll have much to blog about upon returning to the ATL...stay tuned and have a super-duper-major-fucking-happy-holiday season!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Yes folks, god IS in the proper spelling.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Too much of a good thing?

Is it just me or does it seem excessive the amount of online social-networking that is available to us? Here is my tally:

2 blogs (I'm pretty good at keeping up with this)
Facebook profile (that I check only if someone sends me a message)
MySpace profile (I hate myspace...the format is horrific)
Friendster profile (I don't even know why I have this)
LinkedIn profile (this is the only one that seems remotely useful)
Flickr Account (for photography/images)
JPG magazine (for more photography)
YouTube (for questionably entertaining videos...usually filmed after several cocktails)

What the F#$cK? Doesn't this seem a little ridiculous? Am I the only one or are there others out there as well?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Monday.

People...I know you probably just forgot or, perhaps, you don't really care. Either is fine, but don't forget to give this blog some love! Mary Campbell Design Blog

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday Poetry.

I love this....even though I stole it from another blog. Not much else to say...this poem really says it all. Enjoy :)

Becoming Larger Than Our Skin Allows

We seek metaphors
To describe our friendships
But alas, even these fall short of our true emotions
So we joke, tell stories, and hold each other
Accepting the inner weaving of our connections
As part of the evolving tapestry of our lives
What is amazing to me
Is how little it takes to impact another human being
In profound and deep ways
Simply by being present
By witnessing each others stories
By honoring each others thoughts and feelings
It is physically possible to lift each other up
And hold each other under a starlit sky
Enough to feel the power of the universe enfold us
Wrapping us up with simultaneous feelings of love and immensity
Yes, we are only a speck in the whole of things
Yet, our love mingled with the love of others
Is more immense than we can ever intellectually know
Our ability to tap into the collective energy of the world
Allows us to transcend our language
Each of us becoming larger than our skin allows
Each of us finding power
From the source of our humility and awe
But mostly from each other
As our hands work to lift each other higher

-Doc Klein

Monday, November 26, 2007

37 days

Recently, while reading one of my favorite blogs, I came across a "call for artists."  This amazing blogger whose ideas, philosophy and purpose deeply resonate with my own is publishing a book based on her blog.  Anytime I can put my creative energy to work for a good cause, I am in!  Here are the illustrations I did for my two assignments:

Friday, November 23, 2007


I am starting an on-line poll. My lovely lady thinks that a scooter would be a bad idea for me as I sometimes can be a little clumsy and attention deficit. Plus she thinks that Atlanta traffic doesn't really care about scooter drivers on the road and I will end up being an mangled pile of flesh and bones on Ponce one day on my way to work. I, on the other hand, think that I would be just fine becuase I would be extra safe, take the neighborhood streets and would probably wear a REALLY big and bright safety helmet.
Here are my compelling pro-scooter arguments:
1. Gas costs me a FORTUNE. Somewhere in the neigborhood of $200/mo.
2. My car is unneccesary for my commuting needs
3. My carbon footprint is an atrocity
5. I have not been in any accidents or had any tickets in at least the last 10 years
4. I would look really cute on my orange retro-styled, no insurance or tags needed in the state of Georgia, scooter with my scarf waving in the wind.

Now is the time for you, my kind readers, to weigh in.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Not to ruin your Thanksgiving, but this is important. I love animals...sometimes more than I do people and I cannot understand what happens in a person's mind when he or she thinks that torturing innocent creatures is "okay." To relish in the terror of a living creature is truly sick and immoral. This Thanksgiving, don't buy Butterball and if you have already, please return it to the store and send a message to your store's corporate headquarters that cruelty to animals is unacceptable.

Okay, so I spent an inordinate amount of time yesterday researching this whole butterball fiasco. I called PETA and PUBLIX (where I bought my turkey) and found out some more information. Here is the deal, PETA aired this documentary for the first time in April of 2006 when the investigation took place. True, all of those awful, horrible things were happening. Since then, Butterball has changed ownership and, according to my meat man at PUBLIX, they have put a stop to this cruelty. SO, I called PETA and asked them why their documentary did not reflect this new information and, they said that what I got from my meat man was just "a corporation managaing a big-time-fuck-up;" that, it is true that they do not do the HORRIBLE things that you can see on that video but the turkeys are still not given much dignity in their death. I asked him why they did not choose to share that Butterball had changed some of their practices on this documentary....but he really didn't have an answer other than they still thought Butterball was the anti-christ. So there you have it....

I think that if PETA is going to go after these people and expose these horrible things (which SHOULD be exposed), they should also follow up and see what a company has done to correct the situation and reflect that new information. Whew, it was a rough Tuesday.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Blogging Neglect.

It is hard to manage one blog, much less two. My personal blog seems to get neglected a LOT as a result of this. I will try to do better, but it may be time to put this blog down.
Don't be too sad.

Until then, some pictures of the *original* design gangstas.
This weekend my lady and I along with Holly and Audrey embarked on a big adventure. We ran errands together, had coffee, ate dinner, talked design, life, PC and then, to top off the evening, Audrey and I got into a foot race. That's right, folks, after a few drinks, I like to sprint. Who knew? Unfortunately, I am not a good short-distance runner; I think it has something to do with fast-twitch versus slow-twitch least that is what I've heard. Apparently, I must have more slow-twitch muscles because I can run long distance but I cannot sprint. Riveting self-disclosure, I know...Me: "That, Audrey, is the meaning of life."
Audrey: "You have a booger in your nose."
...our friendship is so special.

Word to your mother, we came to kern type, we got more fonts than the Bible got psalms.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Neuvo Blogo. new blog.
I have decided to start a blog that is all about design, art and, if you want to bypass the blah blah blah about me, my personal life and my pets...go here:Mary Campbell Design Blog.
Enjoy! :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

My love for the South.

5 things I love about the south:
1. Roadside memorials to those who have perished "en route."

2. The front porch...a perfect setting for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and some great conversation.

3. Cicadas. They make the most soothing and reassuring noise at night....even for an insomniac like myself who tends to wake up at 3am for no good reason.

4. Folk Art. Probably, the one "type" of art that consistently inspires me with its authenticity, passion, color and beauty.

5. Those signs that sit outside of churches with catchy "headlines." The below is not a picture of mine, but, rather something "leveraged" off of the internet.

My most recent favorite phrase seen on my drive home was, "The way that you live your life is an expression of what you believe about God." I love that. It seems that we live in a society that always has a LOT to say, a lot to preach, a lot of advice to offer. One of my favorites: "do well by doing good." Often it seems as though the people who need to say these kinds of things are most often the ones incapable of actually following through with "good behavior." The proof is, indeed, in the pudding. It is not enough just to say that you care, that you love, that you are a friend, you must live your life caring, loving and being a friend. And we all fail, but the point is to take responsibility, learn the lesson and move forward with the understanding that we can always do better. Growth is change, and growth can be painful but it is necessary to live life to the fullest.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Because we all love animals enough to give a little bit!

Friday, October 19, 2007


It's true. I do. I get to work with smart, interesting, funny, kind, and talented people. How awesome is that?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

what you missed.

A BIG thank you to all of you who came to Candler Park Fall Fest this weekend. The weather was beautiful and I had a very successful weekend! Here are some photos from the weekend:
My booth:

"What's it gonna take to get you in THIS painting, TODAY?"

My groupies...they bring brownies (Thanks Holly for keeping us fat and happy!) and keep us smiling!

Friday, October 12, 2007


Here are a few more reasons to come check out the Candler Park Fall Fest this weekend, Saturday and Sunday 12-8pm.
Candler Park Fall Fest

Mary's Top 5 Reasons to go to Candler Park Fall Fest this weekend:
1. Despite global warming consuming our planet, the weather is going to be, the reason you would want to ever live in Atlanta in the first place.
2. Artists with outrageous student loan debt are going to be selling their wares (I'm not naming any names here...).
3. Supporting local artists is better for your karma than going to Church.
4. Christmas is coming up and you KNOW there is someone in your family who needs some hand-made yard-art.
5. Basically, it's just the right thing to do and you know it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Think about it.

As if figuring out the holiday arrangements with a Republican, conservative family and a same-sex partner weren't hard this.

From the New York Times... Aging and Gay, and Facing Prejudice in Twilight

Saturday, October 06, 2007

hello, my name is fox.

this is fox.

fox is, basically, a mammoth-sized dog in a mixed-breed terrier's body. in addition to this, fox believes with every fiber of his being, that he is, indeed a human-being. (note that he sits at the table as if HE is goingto be served...)

probably fox's most significant talent is that he can make himself comfortable in nearly any position (see below); this includes, but is not limited to sleeping on my head via my pillow when he is allowed in the bed.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I finally got it!

So last night I watched Zoolander. I have wondered why on Life of a Harpy's blog, my "name" is "Blue Steel", I totally get it and I just about peed in my pants laughing last night. Yeah, I'm a little slow....

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Candler Park Fall Fest

I am going to be at the Candler Park Fall Fest this year on October 13th and 14th! It's my first festival since I finished PC and I am so excited to be painting again! Check out the website for more information. It should be a fabulous day and I hope to see some familiar faces :)

ps. I think my invite is cooler than their poster...what do you think?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Vital signs.

My girlfriend and I are swell.
Brighthouse is great.
Red, Fox and Pheiffer (the dawgs) are perfect, as always.
The cats are driving us mad.
The weather is part-time sucking but Fall is on the way so I am thrilled.
And, in spite of all of that, lately, I don't have too much to I am just posting work I'm doing.


Monday, September 17, 2007


Lately, I've been a creating fool. Here is a new piece I did last week.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I did this for my pal, the car....on the way to work...sort of.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11.

Here is some work I did in response to 9/11 a few years ago.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Birthday Recap.

I know many of you are brimming with curiosity....just DYING to see how I spent my MOST exciting 31st birthday. Well, folks, I don't disappoint. Here is a little video from that memorable night.

I'll never think of Italian sausage the same way.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

31 years of bliss.

It's my birthday today. I hope to get to make out with all kinds of manequins wearing dark glasses and drink champagne.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

request for help.

Dear Readers,
I have favor to ask. It's not a huge one, but I could really use some help. One of my VERY dear friends has recently moved to New York to attend school at Purchase College for sculpture. She has been STRUGGLING to find housing and has been unable to find anything. She has $$cash$$ and is employed if any of you know of can be a studio apartment, a room for rent....anything that will take her and 2 cats ASAP. Just send me an e-mail ( and I'll forward it to her if ANYONE knows of anything!!!
Thanks a bunch,

Monday, August 27, 2007

Missss South Carolina!

My top 3 favorites are, like:
1. everywhere like suchas
2. US Americans
3. build up our future for our children

Designing my life away....

Since I have been immersed in the design culture, I can no longer simply answer a questionairre without somehow "designing" it and adding my own personal touch. THANK the Lord I no longer have to take tests with scantrons.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Art.

"If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint." –Edward Hopper

I started painting as a way of expressing myself. Not being a terribly "emotive" person and, simultaneously, being a person full of emotion, I needed an outlet. I have journaled since I was in High School...and kept all of those journals. In fact, I keep everything. I am the ultimate documenter of my life. It could be the highest form of narcissism, but I think we forget too much. We live in world of constant transition where things are so impermanent. We can change, reinvent our lives, lose our history by adopting a new identity and we too often forget how we got where we are. Being in school for the past 2 years, I have not had much time or energy to paint. There has been much to paint about, but no real time to commit to it. I suppose I have put some of that energy into my design work but last night, when I pulled out my supplies and sat down to create, I remembered why I love painting. It is easy, there is no thinking involved, there is a complete freedom to express whatever I want. It doesn't matter if it communicates, it is not about that. It is a snapshot of a moment in time, a thought, a feeling, visually interpreted and I am the only person who ever really has to get it, understand it or know what the "story" behind it truly is.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Intellectual Soulmate

So, the other day at work we got on the subject of "intellectual soulmates." Those people by whom we are inspired to think, feel connected to on a cellular-braniac level, you get the picture. I was unable to identify a true intellectual, I ask my kind readers today, WHO is YOUR intellectual soulmate?

Maybe I'll figure out who mine is....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Aura is.....ORANGE!!!

What Color Is Your Aura?

Your aura shines Orange!
Take this quiz!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Monday!

This post is for Anne

My tattoo.

....and my personalized laptop, complete with my favorite word...yeah, the kerning is off on those letters, but look at how cute the Beagle is. How could a person concentrate on type alignment with that sweet face staring back at her?