Today I got my hair cut. I asked my hair seamstress to give me a cut similar to a friend of mine...just a little longer... Didn't I say, "just a little big longer?" LONGER. yeah, that's right. LONGER. As in, more length...more as opposed to less inches. To make a long story short (no pun intended) I got scalped. My hair is now shorter than it has EVER been and I am feeling EXTREMELY self-couscious about it. Whenever my hair is too short, I start feeling like I look "dykey." I don't want to look like a little boy and I now am sporting a little boy haircut. Why is it that we, women, are so obsessed with our haircuts. A good haircut can make you look and feel 10 pounds lighter, tan and markedly more intelligent. A bad haircut can leave you feeling fat, stupid and masculine. It's all so irrational. On the brighter side of life, this short haircut means that now I can, possibly wait 4 months until my next haircut instead of my usual 2.5. Maybe my guy was just trying to think of my financial situation and help me out a bit. Yeah, that's what it was. I'll post an actual picture later...when I get over myself and my hair shock.
You must be very upset, Mary, to have posted this entry three times!
i know, its the worst. this happens to me all the time. nobody understands what "trim" means either. i've even started giving actual increments (i.e. "just take 1/4" off all around"), but that also doesn't work.
my hair is already short, but i hate it when they cut it so short that i get called
is this why you are hiding in your apt for the entire weekend?
Ooo. Nothing makes me more upset than a stylist who won't fucking listen. L I S T E N.
Coming in with photos helps me communicate with someone. I go to the Aveda Institute and get these 12.00 haircuts by a different student each time. It's a great deal, but can be frustrating because these guys are so afraid to really CUT length off your hair. You have to be really firm about the fact that you want more than a trim. I actually sat through a cut and watched this girl cut 1/8" off my head. Like that was going to make a difference?
When I do get a bad haircut, I reach for product. I'd ask Sarah for the name of this miracle product she mentioned in one of my panicked posts.
Thanks Ladies...yes, it's been a traumatic weekend...between fielding the questions regarding when I started my chemotherapy treatment and correcting the folks at CVS who insist on calling me "sir"...I am probably going spend the rest of this Sunday practicing my calligraphy and drinking heavily. I appreciate your support, however.
awesome! you got called "sir!" welcome to my world!
anne: i get those student cuts you speak of at an aveda school up here. only $15. they aren't really afraid to cut length off at this school. not at all. they tend to get carried away. it might have to do with the fact that i am such a relaxed hair cut patient. i usually fall asleep in the chair.
and one other thing, mary. my favorite thing to do when someone calls me "sir" is to respond by calling them the opposite of whatever they are (i.e. girls become "sir" and guys become "mam").
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