So today, Audrey and I got home from class and what did I find?
A broken car window.
Okay, just for the record folks, this is my THIRD violation in the city of Atlanta.
First, I got my wallet stolen...my credit cards, social security card, gift certificate to Dick Blick, license, all of it. Second, my bike was stolen from RIGHT outside of my apartment door...and I live in a locked building. Nice. And now this....what could the universe be telling me? All I know is that I am over it.
My favorite part of it all? That Audrey asked me if I had any enemies. Aren't friends grand?
the universe could be telling you the following:
1. you shouldn't live in unsafe cities.
2. cars cause pollution so you shouldn't drive them.
3. you have enemies.
perhaps the universe is trying to send u a message about being broken, mary. about what you have broken. about what you have left for others to pick up and be cut up by what is left. what do you think? what do you honestly feel? do not reply if you are going to give a "psychobabble" answer.
Mary! Do you have an anonymous stalker now?
yeah, mary. dang. maybe anonymous is the one who broke your window.
Sarah: I wouldn't be surprised; it seems like anonymous has some beef with me...it's too bad that he or she doesn't have the cojones to reveal his or her identity.
Only cowards must hide behind anonymity.
yeah, but at least you have statcounter so that you know who it is anyway.
crap. maybe the universe is trying to send 'u' a message about someone's face you need to break, mary. about who's face needs breaking. about someone who needs to take it easy. what do you honestly feel? reply any way you want because this is your blog.
mary: a is my second in command. between the both of us, we can take anyone down.
Now you know the rules, Mary:
Psychobabble-not ok
it's true, mary. how do you think brooklyn got so tough. poor street kids with an attitude from the south.
Jesus Christ Mary, you are not being punished. You just live in the city and that's all.
Wanna move to Dunwoody? I hear it's safer, there's more room for parking, there are papillons, dip pens, air conditioning and you can take art classes there.
Anonymous? Go shit in your hat already.
be careful about Dunwoody, Mary, I hear you can get pregnant over there.
That does suck, and now a friend lives close by? You girls be careful.
I was considering Dunwoody until Jason informed me of the high risk of pregnancy associated with living there. I thought the cost of living and crime factor was bad intown, but that is nothing compared to random acts of impregnation.
Mary - just steer clear of sperm and you should be OK.
Oy! if I had only LISTENED!!
NOW look at me. Just LOOK at me!!
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