There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep. Today I woke up at 2:30 am and did not fall back asleep until 7am.
Yes, folks, that is a 4.5 hour hiatus in my visit to sleepy's house.
I tried everything. I journaled, I read blogs...a lot of blogs, I scoured the internet for random information, I even attempted to paint. N O T H I N G was working. I actually considered going for a walk at 4am until that voice of reason chimed in and reminded me that a woman walking around midtown among the drug dealers and hookers well after midnight might not be such a bright idea.
Then it occurred to me that, perhaps, this was an opportunity to just be. In light of the fact that I have recently realized that being present in the moment...THIS moment, THIS day, THIS second is the goal, I think that was life testing me. So I stopped...finally...and allowed myself to be conscious of exactly where I was and what I was feeling. Then and only then did I resume sleep.
How well I did on my life test, I give myself a "C" for "last night's" performance.
They say that's also how to deal with physical pain.
Breathe through it instead of fighting it. It's supposed to take you someplace else, rather than to a battleground.
I think that is true for pain of any kind. Acceptance propels you to another level of understanding and integration. But shit, it aint easy.
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