Monday, September 04, 2006

8 hours and counting.

There are approximately 8 hours left for me and my 20's. Tomorrow, I turn 30.

Birthdays have never been a big deal to me...some people get all kinds of worked up over how much attention is paid to them on this one day, but not me. It makes me a bit uncomfortable when people do things for me. I have always enjoyed quiet celebrations with a few friends, some good wine and carrot cake on my birthday. I love carrot cake. It's an odd "favorite cake," but it's mine. When I approach a birthday, I, perhaps, get into a more contemplative mood. I think about the year that has passed, where I was last year, what I hoped this year would bring and what I think will happen in the following year. I remember, years ago, thinking that when I would turn 30, I would have a great job, financial security, maybe a significant relationship...and none of that has happened, but that's okay. I am on my way...finally, on the path to seeing some of that come to fruition.

On a lighter note, I went on a mini-shopping trip today to get some more memory for my computer. I also stopped by the Gap and few other clothing I know why I like white and black shirts with jeans....becuause the clothes out there are so UGLY. All I wanted was a tailored black button down shirt that didn't cost 1 million dollars. No such luck. Why are clothes so expensive even though the material they are made with is so friggin' cheap? Can someone please tell me the answer to this?

(less than 8 hours left now...)


Roger said...

holy crap, happy birthday!

Tania Rochelle said...

My thirties were wonderful, Mary. Congratulations.