Sunday, August 13, 2006

Compressed Air.

So, my pal, Audrey and I have discovered the fun of the video function on her camera...and here is one of our more famous clips. I like to call it "What happens when compressed air and calligraphy meet." I can't explain the headwear....sometimes you just need to be fancy when you work.


Anne Elser said...

Ah ha. Very entertaining. After a while, it started looking like a spaghetti western or kung fu film - where the video and audio are out of sync. I wanna see what kind of words you guys did after the euphoric effects of the gas you inhaled.

minus five said...

thanks, anne, for taking my kung fu comment because that's exactly what i thought.

Mary Campbell said...

I'm not so sure that the compressed air and gas combination really helped our "craft." I felt markedly stupid and decided to talk to the hookers from my window...all in all it turned into a much more dangerous night than we had expected.